
Happy New Year - 60 day challenge

Yo peeps! it's a new year and my new year's resolution is to lose all this weight i feel i've gained from the stress of the working world, and of course from living in paradise which apparently has a price to pay if you're not keeping track of things. for some reason, not getting morning breaks or lunches does not mean you're going to lose weight. to some, like myself, it means you will leave work STARVING and ready to pig out on any comfort food you can find after work (which is usually late at night). also, i can no longer hide behind being a "broke ass student" since i now make a regular paycheck and have only the mister & puppy to look after. somehow, we seemed to have gone ape shit with all the hawaiian gourmets, late night eating, and eating out period.

soooooooooooooooo, i'm starting the new year up off my junk in the trunk. i've been inspired yet again on another infomercial that looks promising . . . INSANITY! its 60 days of intense cardio by Shaun T (from beachbody.com . . . same people that endorse P90X). i will also be trying SHAKEOLOGY, a meal replacement that has 70 ingredients to help with digestion, weight loss, lower cholesterol, and increase energy. . . . (i feel like the infomercial already) ok, so i really am NOT trying to sell you these products. i feel motivated if i say i will do something, so that's really all this is. if i can get you off your ass, then that's what friends are for, right?!

check it out:



along with this venture john & i are about to endure (yes, i've got him into this too, works better with partners, does it not?), we have joined forces with a group of friends that have all decided to do a sort of "The Biggest Loser" challenge, if you will. there's a lot of money in the pot, since there are several of us. if you want in, you are welcome to join, but i caution you that you MUST BE SERIOUS because you may lose money . . . but you could lose weight too! (let me know or email john, since he's got the rules)

anyways, i'll keep you posted . . . we finished DAY 3 'Power Cardio & Resistance' today. i am sooo sore! arggghhhhhh!


  1. So not fair! I heard I wasn't qualify for the Biggest Loser Challenge with you guys.... Leslie mentioned to Rob that if I lost any more weight they would have to do an intervention! HAHAHA!!! I can't wait for the results!!! Lovin' your blog!!!

  2. hahaha . . . sorry, nelly. its only fair! wish i could say i would disappear too if i did this challenge. anyways, doesn't matter 'cuz I'M GOING TO WIN!!!!!!!
